The Power of Play: Why Adults Need Playtime Too!

Woman smiling looking ready with her mat and bottle to do some yoga

When we hear the word "play," our minds automatically associate it with children. Unfortunately, society tends to view play as something exclusively for childhood, leaving adulthood characterised as dull and joyless. However, play has amazing holistic benefits and should be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age. 

Play means engaging in activities purely for fun and enjoyment, without the pressure of serious goals or practical outcomes. It's spontaneous, creative, and allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the present moment. Despite the busy nature of adult life, don’t we all deserve a bit of carefree joy?

Let's explore why adults need playtime too and how we can access our playful selves.

The Importance of Play for Adults

Just as play is massively beneficial for children and their development, play for adults is just as important. Here are 6 proven benefits of why incorporating play into your day can significantly improve your well-being:

  1. Stress Reduction

    Play has been proven to reduce stress levels in adults. Engaging in playful activities triggers a release of endorphins (feel-good chemicals) helping tackle effects of stress and anxiety.

  2. Boosts Creativity

    Playfulness inspires creativity by encouraging unconventional thinking and imagination. When we play, we explore new ideas and perspectives that can be applied to anything, from problem-solving at work to personal projects. For instance, taking up a creative hobby like painting or drawing can spark fresh ideas and insights.

  3. Enhances Cognitive Function

    Play stimulates brain activity and can enhance cognitive functions such as memory, focus, and mental agility. Learning new skills through playful activities, such as puzzles or crosswords, can promote neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to form new connections and adapt.

  4. Enhances Relationships:

    Playfulness fosters deeper social connections. Sharing laughter and fun creates bonds of empathy, trust, and intimacy with others. Whether it's participating in team sports, joining a board game night, or engaging in playful banter, cultivating a playful attitude can strengthen relationships.

  5. Balances Life Perspective

    Play offers a healthy escape from the stresses of everyday life, reminding us not to take ourselves too seriously. It encourages us to enjoy the simple pleasures and maintain a positive outlook. Incorporating play into our routines provides a refreshing break from monotony and helps restore balance.

  6. Boosts Energy and Vitality

    Being playful boosts energy levels and keeps you feeling young. Physical play, such as dancing or playing sports, promotes cardiovascular health and enhances overall vitality. Regular play can also improve immune function, reducing the risk of illnesses.

We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
— George Bernard Shaw
2 adults on a sunset picnic doing a flying angel

Bringing Playfulness into Adult Life

There are loads of ways to be playful as an adult, from team sports to board games to arts and crafts. However, I like to encourage my students to explore their playful selves through yoga. 

Yoga is such a great and accessible way to tap into your inner child. By approaching yoga with a sense of curiosity and openness, you can rediscover the joy of movement and exploration, just like a child discovering new things for the first time. Through yoga, we can break free from the constraints of adulthood and embrace the freedom and spontaneity that play brings.

Get Playful with Yoga

Stop taking like so seriously and access your most playful self through your yoga practice. Here are some playful tips to spice things up:

Have a Laugh

Laughter is such a fantastic stress reliever that can transform your yoga experience. When you bring a genuine smile and a light-hearted attitude to your practice, it helps loosen up any tendencies towards perfectionism and tension. Laughing releases dopamine and endorphins, instantly boosting your mood, making your yoga session more enjoyable and promoting a positive mindset.

Be Childish

Approach your practice with the curiosity and wonder of a child exploring a playground. Embrace genuine curiosity to stay focused and present, strengthening your inner connection. Let go of expectations and tap into your playful spirit—you'll be amazed by the creative ways your body can move!

Use Props Creatively

Yoga props are such versatile tools that can add so much to your practice including playfulness. Experiment with blocks, straps, or bolsters in unconventional ways and see how it sparks your creativity. They can support your body, deepen stretches, and bring a new dimension to your yoga experience.

Play Your Favorite Tunes

I’m a big believer that music is a gateway to movement, so make sure you play your favourite songs during practice. Forget traditional yoga music, this is your practice and yourspace. Let the music boost your mood, increase motivation, and elevate your overall yoga experience.

Looking for some inspiration? Check out my Spotify for some fun and playful playlists.

Explore Playful Transitions

Transitioning between poses is like dancing on your mat. Instead of moving mechanically, flow seamlessly through transitions to bring grace and exploration to your practice. By adding playful transitions, your bringing creativity into your practice, transforming each transition into a mindful celebration of your body's amazing capabilities.

Express Yourself

Yoga is a wonderful way to express yourself, so feel free to break away from traditional poses and move freely on the mat. Dance, sway, and groove in whatever way feels good to you. Let go of expectations and simply enjoy connecting with yourself through movement. Embracing this freedom in yoga can bring a sense of liberation and fulfillment that extends beyond the mat into your daily life.

So, relax, express yourself, and let your yoga practice be a joyful celebration of who you are!

Why not take a couple of these tips into your next yoga practice?

You’ll not only deepen and transform your practice, but also cultivate a more joyful and creative approach to life in general.

Time for a Recap

Being playful is not just beneficial; it's essential for our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. By embracing playfulness, especially through activities like yoga, we can reduce stress, boost creativity, improve relationships, and enhance our overall quality of life. Make time for play, whether on the mat or in other aspects of your life, and rediscover the joy and vitality that comes with it. Remember, adults need playtime too!

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