All about me!

Having danced all through my childhood and then trained professionally at Northern School of Contemporary Dance, I am no stranger to exercise and its physical benefits.

But yoga taught me that a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body.

With 7 years of yoga under my belt, I have experienced the amazing long term effects a movement practice can have, physically, mentally and emotionally. Yoga showed me the importance of feeling good from the inside out.

I want to help people reconnect with their bodies. Through the use of low impact functional movement, like yoga and dance, we are able to express ourselves in ways that sedentary modern life all too often resists.

I teach full-bodied Vinyasa inspired classes that drawer on my contemporary dance background whilst upholding yogic teachings.

As we move and flow around the mat I encourage students to focus less on what it looks like and more on how it feels.

My primary aim is to bringing playfulness back into adult life, allowing you to reconnect with your inner child and just enjoy the simplicity of moving your body.

My first teacher training was 200 hours in Vinyasa with Yoga Haven under Allie Hill. I have since gone on to train 20 hours in Hands on Assists with Evolution Lab Yoga under Amy McDonald and 60 hours in Pranayama and Breath work with Laurent Roure.

I am forever grateful to my teachers for providing me with the tools to share this wonderful practice with you all.


Having danced all my life, trained as a professional dancer at Northern School of Contemporary Dance and a qualified yoga teacher, I have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the movement industry that I’m eager to share.

These creative sessions take inspiration from contemporary dance, somatic movement, animal flow and dance theatre to create fun, immersive workshops.

My aim is to give people the space to explore free movement in their bodies in a safe and exciting environment.

Expect to work the body, mind, voice and floor as we tumble, roll and groove around the room in a way that feels great for YOU!

It’s the perfect way to escape your busy world by tuning into your creativity and intuition. Suitable for adults, children and just anyone who loves moving!!