Is Intuition the Key to Confidence?

Scrabble letter spelling intuition

We all have the ability to appear confident, right? From a young age, we’re taught to “fake it till you make it” and perform our way through life. For us women, it's often about throwing on some heels, lippy, and abracadabra - WE’RE CONFIDENT BITCHES!

But are we really?

What about inner confidence? The kind that isn’t motivated by how we look or how we dress but by a deeper belief in ourselves and our choices.

Have you ever thought about building your confidence from the inside out? I think what society fails to mention is that intuition is a really powerful tool, so let’s use it. Let's explore the fascinating connection between intuition and confidence.

Let’s Get Clear on Intuition and Confidence

Intuition is that subtle inner voice or feeling that guides us in making decisions, often based on instinct rather than logic.

Confidence, on the other hand, is a deep-seated belief in oneself and one's abilities. It’s a lot more than what society says it is.

When we tap into our intuition, we develop self-awareness and promote self-trust. This trust in our own self helps us become more confident in our choices and our actions.

So How Do I Tap Into My Intuition?

Here are 8 straightforward ways you start listening to your intuition and building your most confident self.

  1. Practice Mindfulness

    Dive into practices like yoga, meditation, and breathwork. These mindful activities can help you tune into the present moment, quiet the mind, and create space for intuitive insights and mental clarity.

  2. Listen to Your Body

    Your body is constantly sending you messages. Start paying attention to simple cues like hunger or tiredness, and then move on to recognizing more subtle sensations. Trust these signals to guide your decisions.

  3. Positive Self-Talk

    Swap out the negative self-talk for words of encouragement and positivity. Repeat affirmations like "I trust myself" or "I am capable" to shift your mindset when doubts start to creep in.

  4. Get Creative

    Express yourself through activities like painting, music, writing, dancing and even cooking. Creativity opens up channels for intuition to flow freely and helps you tap into your spontaneous side.

  5. Keep a Journal

    Write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Journaling can uncover patterns, insights, and intuitive nudges that might not be obvious in day-to-day life.

  6. Genuine Self-Care

    Take care of yourself in ways that truly nourish your body. This is completely personal to you, the intuitive part comes from you trying to understand exactly what you need. Remember self care doesn’t always have to be a bubble bath or a manicure like society says.

  7. Spend Time Alone

    Treat yourself to quiet moments of solitude. Get comfortable being alone with your thoughts, as it allows you to reflect, recharge, and tune into your inner voice without distractions.

  8. Trust and Act on Your Intuition

    Start trusting your gut feelings and intuitive hunches. Take small actions based on these insights. Over time, you'll strengthen your intuition and boost your confidence in decision-making.

Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can deepen your connection with intuition. As you become more attuned to your inner voice, you'll naturally feel more confident and empowered to navigate life's challenges.

Morning journalling image with coffee, computer and reading material

Intuitive Decision Making

One of the coolest things about intuition is that it represents the truest version of ourselves. It knows our values, passions, and deepest desires, sometimes before we even do. 

So, why don’t we always trust it?

Society often teaches us to rely solely on logic and practicality when making decisions. This can make trusting our gut feelings seem daunting and unfamiliar. 

Intuition operates differently from rational thinking, which can feel risky or uncertain. And as our nervous systems are wired to seek safety and avoid uncertainty, it can make intuitive decision-making feel risky.

However, when we actively choose to honor our intuition, we’re prioritizing authenticity in our choices. This alignment with our inner truths boosts our self-confidence and reduces the perceived risks associated with intuitive decision-making.

Making decisions based on intuition means embracing who we truly are and what we truly want. This authenticity becomes a strong foundation of confidence, empowering us to navigate life with greater self-assurance and a deeper connection to ourselves.

Intuition Fuels Personal Growth

Trusting our intuition isn’t just about making decisions; it's a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. When we tune in and listen to our ambitious inner voice, we're actually opening ourselves up to a better understanding of who we are. The more we know about ourselves, the more confident and secure we become in our identity.

Intuition fuels personal growth by pushing us to explore new paths and possibilities. It encourages us to challenge our limiting beliefs and to embrace our unique talents and passions.

The limiting beliefs will always be there and will always be loud, but the key is to get intuition to shout louder. If you can strengthen your connection with your inner voice, you can make that positive mindset shift a lot easier.

So… Embrace Your Intuition and Live More Confidently!

True self-belief and sustainable confidence come from within, making it essential to tune in and listen.

Think of intuition as your automatic pilot, quietly steering you through life's twists and turns, adjusting your course based on the signals it receives. If you start trusting and listening to your intuition, you’re allowing this automatic pilot to take the wheel, and steers you towards decisions and actions that align with your true self. By tapping into this powerful inner resource, you equip yourself to live with more authenticity, self-assurance, and confidence in every aspect of your life.

So embrace your intuition! It's the key to unlocking greater authenticity and confidence within yourself.

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