Transform Your Yoga Practice: Why Home Practice Matters

man practicing yoga at home in his living room. He's surrounded by lots of plants and books and he looks very comfortable.

When we think about practicing yoga at home, many of us still associate it with being in lockdown; when practicing in our living rooms was the only option and we felt restricted and confined

But now that we have the freedom to attend studio classes, I bet you’ve kind of neglected your home practice? 

No worries, it's okay. 

Our yoga practice naturally goes through peaks and troughs but I’m here to remind you just how important practicing at home is for your overall well-being and personal growth.

Studio classes offer a fantastic sense of community, accountability, and motivation. Meanwhile, home practice provides freedom, autonomy, and personal ownership. Neither one is better than the other, they each offer unique benefits. But to truly transform your practice (and your life), it’s important to find a balance between the two.

So, let’s dive into why a consistent home yoga practice is so valuable. And maybe by the end of this blog, I’ll have convinced you to stop storing your mat in your car and actually roll it out at home.


Why Practicing Yoga at Home Is So Awesome

  1. Convenience and Flexibility

    Life is busy, and sometimes making it to a studio class just isn’t realistic. That’s where the beauty of a home yoga practice comes in. Whether it's a quick morning flow to kickstart your day or a calming evening session to wind down, you can make it fit around you. This flexibility helps you stay consistent, which is key to seeing progress. The more regular your practice, the stronger, more flexible, and more connected you'll become.

  2. A Personalized Practice

    At home, you have the freedom to tailor your practice to your specific needs and goals. Whether you’re dealing with an injury, feeling tired, or focusing on certain techniques, you’re not limited by what a teacher has planned. Home practice gives you the opportunity to make choices that suit you best and helps you tune into what your body and mind truly need. This not only strengthens your intuition but also encourages a practice that is guided more by your body than by your ego.

  3. Playful and Confidence Boosting

    Practicing at home gives you the freedom and space to explore and play. You can try new poses, explore creative sequences, and can even mess up without fear of judgment or of falling into someone. This freedom to experiment adds a playful vibe to your practice and helps build your confidence. As you get more comfortable on your mat, you’ll find yourself approaching yoga (and life) with a more joyful and self-assured attitude.

  4. A Sanctuary for Calm and Clarity

    One of the beautiful things about a home yoga practice is how easily it can become a go-to tool for stress relief and mental clarity. Whether it’s a quick session of breathwork, meditation, or some gentle movement, your mat can become a sanctuary you can turn to whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed. Over time, this consistent practice helps you manage stress more effectively, bringing a sense of calm and clarity to your everyday life

  5. Save Money

    Practicing yoga at home is a great way to save money. Studio classes can add up quickly, especially if you’re going multiple times a week. By practicing at home, you can stay consistent and start seeing more progress without the high costs. All you need is a mat and a bit of space, and you can keep up with your yoga practice without breaking the bank.

  6. Privacy and Comfort

    Practicing at home means you can literally wear whatever you want; you don’t need fancy £100 leggings to enjoy your yoga practice. Sometimes I’m in my leggings, but other times I love practicing in trackies or even pyjamas. This relaxed approach to what I wear has really deepened my self-compassion and authenticity in my practice. Yoga at home means you can wear whatever makes you feel comfortable, move at your own pace and build more confidence in yourself.

woman sitting on her mat on her balcony practicing reverse prayer behind her back

Getting Started with Yoga at Home

Create Your Space

Your home practice starts with setting up a space that makes you feel relaxed and focused. It doesn’t have to be a dedicated yoga studio, just a small corner with enough room for your mat is perfect.

Here are a few tips to make your space feel special:

  • Clean and Declutter

    A tidy space helps you stay focused and present. If there’s stuff scattered everywhere, you’ll find it hard to clear your mind and be in the moment. Instead of enjoying your practice, you’ll be distracted by all the things you need to do later. Keeping your space clean turns your yoga practice from feeling like a chore into something you look forward to.

  • Comfortable Lighting

    Natural light is great, but soft, warm lighting can also set a soothing mood. I love using a Himalayan salt lamp or a lava lamp to create a calming atmosphere.

  • Essential Props

    Have your mat, blocks, straps, blankets, and any other props you enjoy handy. These little tools can make your practice more enjoyable and nourishing.

  • Personal Touches

    Add things that make you smile, plants, candles, oil burners, or anything that feels good to you.

Set Intentions

Before you begin each practice, take a moment to set an intention. This could be a word, phrase, or feeling you want to focus on during your session. Setting an intention gives your practice a deeper meaning, transforming it from a physical exercise into a holistic experience.

Start Small

If you’re just starting out, I recommend keeping your sessions short and sweet. Aim for 10-15 minute sessions and gradually increase the duration as you get more comfortable. Remember it’s not about how long you practice, but about consistency and quality. Even a few minutes of mindful movement can make a big difference.

When I first began practicing at home, 20 minutes felt like forever, I was constantly watching the clock and second-guessing whether I was “worth” that time. But sticking with it, I found that those minutes were actually a gift. They improved my mindset and boosted my productivity, so much so that now, I can’t imagine practicing for less than 30 minutes anymore. It’s amazing how that time on the mat has become an essential part of my day!

Alice side leaning in a studio in yoga gear

Personal Growth Through Yoga At Home

  1. Enhanced Intuition

    Practicing at home deepens your connection with yourself. Since you're in charge of your own practice, you have to make more decisions and start tuning into your body. Without the cues and guidance of a class, you learn to trust your own intuition and self-awareness. This self-directed approach helps you understand your body and mind better, fostering a more intuitive and mindful practice.

  2. Building Self-Discipline and Confidence

    Practicing yoga at home is such an awesome way to build self-discipline. Rolling out your mat and showing up for yourself, even when you don’t feel like it, really strengthens your sense of commitment. Over time, this self-discipline turns into self-belief. You start to trust in your ability to commit to your goals and follow through, which can significantly boost your confidence both on and off the mat.

  3. Deepened Self-Awareness

    When you practice alone, you get the rare chance to truly tune into your body and mind without distractions. With no external cues, you can move at your own pace, linger in poses that need more attention, and listen to what your body is asking for. This level of self-awareness not only enhances your practice but also spills over into your daily life, helping you become more mindful and in tune with your physical and emotional states.

  4. Integration of Yoga into Daily Life

    A home practice makes it easier to integrate yoga principles into your daily routine. Whether it's mindfulness during daily tasks or incorporating breathwork throughout the day, you can seamlessly blend yoga into various aspects of your life.

Man in his bedroom on his mat practicing downward facing dog.

Overcoming Challenges in Home Practice

Staying Motivated

One of the biggest challenges of home practice is staying motivated.

Here are a few tips to keep your practice alive and thriving:

  • Set Realistic Goals

    Define what you want to achieve with your practice, but keep your goals attainable. This helps maintain motivation and prevents burnout.

  • Create a Schedule

    Consistency is easier with a routine. Set specific times for your practice and stick to them as much as possible.

  • Stay Inspired: Follow yoga teachers and practitioners on social media, read books, and watch videos to keep your practice fresh and inspiring.


Dealing with Distractions

Home practice can come with its fair share of distractions.

Here’s how to minimise them:

  • Communicate

    Let your household know when you’re practicing so they can respect your time and space.

  • Create a Ritual

    Start your practice with a ritual that signals it’s time to focus. For me I like to light a candle and when lighting connect to the energy and support of my mentors, teachers and inspirations. I then hop on my mat and take a few moments to massage and breathe in an essential oil of my choice.

  • Put Your Phone on Silent

    A lot of people would say to just leave your phone out of the room but I have found putting it on Do Not Disturb and having it in the room with me is a real test of my will power and self-discipline. It’s helped me become a lot more accustomed to muting my phone for long periods of time.

Alice in black leggings and bra in studio practicing a headstand

What Will Your Home Practice Look Like?

Your home yoga practice can take many forms. You might choose to move intuitively, letting your body guide you through what feels good. Maybe you’ll focus on a specific pose, giving yourself the time to explore it in a way you wouldn’t normally get in a studio class. Or, you might prefer following a guided session with a teacher, using an on-demand platform. There’s no right or wrong way; it’s all about finding the right balance for you.

But let’s be real: some days, leading your own practice can feel too overwhelming, and that’s when a guided session can be a lifesaver. If you’re not sure where to start, check out my YouTube channel, where you'll find a variety of guided practices to suit your different moods and goals.

Online resources like YouTube or membership platforms are perfect for those times when you need a bit more structure, guidance and inspiration.


It’s Time to Find Your Flow at Home

Transforming your yoga practice starts with embracing the incredible benefits of practicing at home. It offers freedom, flexibility, and autonomy that studio classes can’t always provide.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to home practice. The key is to create a routine that resonates with you and supports your well-being. Make the most of the opportunity to build a practice that’s uniquely yours and fits seamlessly into your life.

So, roll out your mat, explore the possibilities, and make your home practice an irreplaceable part of your week.


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